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    Agencia Maritima Repremar S.A. Misiones St. 1372, 1st Floor, Montevideo 11000
    TEL: 598-29161336
    FAX: (598-2)-9161336 ext. 113
    Department Contact Person Contact No. / Email
    Operations Team Tel: (+598) 29161336 ext 392
    E-mail: ops@repremar.com
    Commercial and Customer team Tel: (+598) 29161336 ext 390
    E-mail: ymcomercial@repremar.com
    Accounting and management team Tel: (+598) 29161336 ext 393
    E-mail: acc@repremar.com
    Documentation team Tel: (+598) 29161336 ext 394
    E-mail: ymdocs@repremar.com
    IT team Tel: (+598) 29161336 ext 491
    E-mail: it@repremar.com